A cancer diagnosis is life changing and devastating. During this difficult time, we invite you to CORPO E ANIMA - Estetica olistica Milano to receive a much needed respite in a safe, calming environment with a qualified professional. We provide facials, massages, manicures, and pedicures designed to meet the needs of those in pre-, during, and post-cancer treatment.  We use a medical autoclave to thoroughly sterilize tools, you can trust in us as a safe environment for you to receive care. Skin reactions and conditions such as chemotherapy induced hyper-pigmentation, rashes, and extreme dryness of the skin are common reactions of treatment. For those receiving chemotherapy and radiation at the same time, reactions may also include blisters, peeling skin, and itchiness. Visiting a Certified Oncology Esthetician ensures your skin will be properly cared for with products and techniques specifically suited to your condition. Side effects from cancer treatment affects all aspects of the patient’s life, including emotional and psychosocial issues, body-image issues and work-related issues as well. Many patients find themselves overwhelmed and can greatly benefit from supportive care. The purpose of a complementary therapy is not to treat the cancer itself but to treat the person as a whole. Complementary therapies help a person cope with cancer, its treatments and side effects and to feel better.